Page 22 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
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Dry Bulk Centre
of Excellence (DBCE) Launch
INTERCARGO and RightShip, the founding members of DBCE,
had developed the DryBMS quality standard for the dry bulk sector
to promote safety, environmental and operational excellence.
The standard operates through company self-assessment
against established industry key performance indicators
and performance benchmarks.
During 2023 and 2024, INTERCARGO der the DBCE banner, a joint media
and RightShip continued to work on release was issued on April 3rd offi-
the establishment of the Dry Bulk Cen- cially launching DBCE.
tre of Excellence (DBCE), an independ-
ent organisation, formed to provide the On August 22 , 2024, DBCE launched
management structure for the day-to- the Dry Bulk Management Standard
day operation of the DryBMS frame- (DryBMS) portal, dedicated to increas-
work. ing safety, operational efficiency, and
sustainability across the dry-bulk ship-
Following the successful completion ping sector.
For more information on this topic of a testing programme during March
please visit: 2024 - confirming the hosting plat- INTERCARGO members subscribing form as “fit for purpose” - and the re- to DBCE are offered a full refund of its
DBCE-DryBMS/ branding of the DryBMS website un- £1,000 initial sign-up fee.