Page 17 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 17


          Reduction of Greenhouse Gas

          (GHG) emissions

           INTERCARGO fully supports the IMO’s ambition to achieve net zero emission
           shipping by or around 2050. However, the challenges ahead are substantial,
           and time is running short to meet these targets. Decisive action from all
           stakeholders across the maritime dry cargo chain is needed to succeed
           in this global effort.

          Shipping  is  inherently  global,  requir-  A global lifecycle emissions standard for  Please also refer to
          ing a truly international regulator like the    all fuels is essential to provide stability  INTERCARGO’s relevant
          International Maritime Organization (IMO)   for the industry. Our Association actively  public communications
          to ensure a level playing field for this di-  participates in IMO discussions and cor-  (
          verse industry and the nations it serves.   respondence  groups.  INTERCARGO’s   category/media-releases/)
          Achieving  net-zero  emissions  in  ship-  Emissions Working Group, has been as-  such as the most recent:
          ping  demands  urgent  progress  in  de-  sessing, the technical aspects of short
          veloping green technologies, propulsion   term and midterm measures along with   •   November 29, 2023: INTERCARGO
          systems, alternative fuels, infrastructure,   the guidelines on lifecycle GHG intensity   Statement: Bulk carrier design pre-
          and “Green Hubs.” Mechanisms such as   of marine fuels (LCA guidelines) and the      sents a decarbonisation challenge
          the industry’s proposed levy-based eco-  Development of Technical Guidance for   •   July 9, 2024: INTERCARGO State-
          nomic measure are vital to facilitate this   Safety of Ships using Alternative Fuels.  ment on Carbon Intensity Indicator
          transition.                                                            (CII)
                                           While supporting technical and opera-  •   July 11, 2024: INTERCARGO joins
          Meeting the IMO’s 2030 and 2040 targets   tional measures to reduce GHG emis-  shipping industry in calls for IMO to
          requires a realistic pathway to net-zero   sions,  INTERCARGO  emphasizes  the   amend flaws in the Carbon Intensity
          emissions, where the entire supply chain   need  to  prioritize  safety.  The  associa-  Indicator
          addresses  these  challenges  holistical-  tion will continue engaging in the devel-  •   September 13, 2024: INTERCARGO
          ly with shared responsibility. Stakehold-  opment of a robust regulatory framework   Proposals Call on IMO to Re-
          ers—including  shipyards,  engine  build-  for ships using new technologies and al-  view Carbon Intensity Indicator at
          ers,  technology  providers,  charterers,   ternative fuels.           MEPC 82
          ports, cargo shippers, banks, and insur-                           •   September 23, 2024: INTERCARGO
          ers—must collaborate on this journey to   For more information, please visit:  Calls  for  Simplicity  in  Shipping
          a sustainable future. Governments must  Decarbonization Measures
          also play their part by developing the in-  emissions
          frastructure necessary to ensure global
          availability of low- and zero-carbon fuels.

          INTERCARGO has been a leading ad-
          vocate for a levy-based market-based
          measure (MBM) per tonne of CO  emis-
          sions to accelerate the adoption of ze-
          ro-carbon  fuels.  It  supports  a  simple
          and effective basket of mid-term meas-
          ures, such as the revised International
          Maritime Sustainability Fund and Reward
          mechanism,  which  integrates  the  IMO
          Maritime  Sustainability  Fund  with  a
          streamlined Global GHG Fuel Standard
          as a technical measure.

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