Page 19 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 19


                          Piracy and armed

                          robbery at sea

                            Be aware of the sea areas and ports affected by piracy
                            and armed robbery. Report all attacks and suspicious sightings
                            to local authorities as per IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1334
                            and to relevant Navy’s reporting centers if practical.

                          According to information made available in IMO’s GI-  Operation Atalanta, formally known as the European
                          SIS module, 150 incidents of piracy and armed rob-  Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia, issued a
                          bery against ships were reported as having occurred   Threat Assessment in September 2024, classifying
                          or been attempted in 2023. This therefore constitutes   the piracy threat to ships transiting the Red Sea (RS),
                          an increase of approximately 15% at the global lev-  Bab al Mandeb Strait (BAM), Gulf of Aden (GOA) and
                          el compared to the same period in 2022. The areas   the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) as MODERATE (an
                          most affected by acts of piracy and armed robbery   attack is a REALISTIC POSSIBILITY) in GoA. Poten-
                          against ships in 2023 were the Straits of Malacca and   tial for Pirate Action Groups (PAGs) to target vessels
                          Singapore (85), West Africa (22), South China Sea (14)   in IRTC without the need for a mother vessel. How-
                          and South America (Pacific) (14), followed by Indian   ever, across the Arabian Sea (AS), it is assessed as
                          Ocean (5), South America (Caribbean) (4), Arabian   LOW (an attack is UNLIKELY) due to the weather
                          Sea (2), East Africa (2), South America (Atlantic) (1)   conditions during the SW monsoon period, impact-
                          and Mediterranean Sea (1).                 ing most of this area.

                          There has been an improvement in the overall situ-  The shipping industry will continue to monitor and
                          ation of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships   advise on maritime security threats to assist the safe
                          in Asia during January-June 2024, with a 16% de-  transit of vessels and the seafarers who crew them.
                          crease in the number of incidents compared to Jan-  Pre-voyage threat and risk assessments should still
                          uary-June 2023. A total of 51 incidents of Piracy and   be carried out considering the latest maritime se-
                          armed robbery at sea was reported during Janu-  curity information from organisations supporting
                          ary-June 2024 compared to 61 incidents during the   the Voluntary Reporting Area (VRA). The industry
                          same period in 2023.                       Best Management Practices will continue to pro-
                                                                     vide the necessary guidance for shipping to ensure
                          Kidnappings for ransom occurred in the Gulf of Guin-  that threat and risk assessments are developed for
                          ea (GoG) in 2024. In January 2024, nine crew mem-  every voyage to mitigate the risks presented by re-
                          bers were kidnapped from a Tuvalu-flagged tanker 46   maining security threats in the relevant region.
                          nautical miles southwest of Bioko Island, Equatorial
                          Guinea. On May 29, 2024, two crew members were   The shipping industry maintains a Maritime Glob-
                          kidnapped from a general cargo ship 25 nautical miles   al Security Website, which provides guidance and
                          south of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Ships trans-  external links. The site can be navigated using the
                          iting this area should visit the Maritime Domain Aware-  drop-down menus to specify the type of risk/issue,
                          ness for Trade-Gulf of Guinea (MDAT-GoG) website at   or geography. International shipping industry asso-
                 for additional information   ciations, including INTERCARGO, have joined forc-
                          on threats and specific recommendations for vessels.  es to continue updating the resource.
                          Somali piracy still poses a threat, with eight report-
                          ed incidents in the first half of 2024, including three
                          hijackings. Recent incidents demonstrate the con-
                          tinued capability and capacity of the Somali pirates   For more information on this topic,
                          to target vessels up to 1,000 nautical miles (nm) off   please visit:
                          the Somali coast.                

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