Page 23 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 23
Sustainability / ESG
Sustainability and the evolving Environ- For an overview of INTERCARGO’s work
mental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in relation to the UN Sustainable Devel-
agenda is not merely a prerequisite for opment Goals (UN SDGs), please watch
operating in the dry bulk shipping indus- our Associations videos on “Dry Bulk
try of the 21st century; it is a roadmap for Shipping: Sustainably serving the world’s
thriving amidst challenges and securing essential needs”: 2020 video (https://
sustainable success. &
2021 video (
The work of INTERCARGO on environ- video-2020/)
mental soundness, placing seafarers at
the centre of the safety imperative, pro- INTERCARGO is a proud supporter of
moting best practices, and advancing the ‘Together in Safety’ initiative. Togeth-
DryBMS as drivers of governance excel- er in Safety is a non-regulatory indus-
lence are clear examples. try consortium connecting the maritime
sector to improve safety performance.
In communicating its messaging via ESG, Please refer to https://www.intercar-
INTERCARGO produced its first-ever
ESG Review in 2024, available at https:// er-of-together-in-safety/
INTERCARGO has also been a proud
The report identifies key steps that the supporter of the ESG Shipping Awards
dry bulk shipping sector is taking in the since their inception in 2023, and also
fields of environment, social responsibil- in 2024; the Association congratulated
For more information on the work ity, and governance, highlighting safety again this year its awarded members
of INTERCARGO on Sustainability/ as both a key priority and an area of in-
ESG, please refer to creasing success. Readers may also re- ping-awards-2024-winners/ fer to the relevant media release https://