Page 20 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 20
& Cyber Risks
The maritime industry is undergoing rapid digital
transformation, driven by the twin goals
of operational efficiency and decarbonisation.
Bulk carrier shipowners are increasingly
digitalising their operations while ensuring robust
cybersecurity across the entire supply chain.
The shipping industry is advancing stead- vant frameworks to achieve operational IACS has published new Unified Require-
ily in its digital transformation, pursuing resilience to cyber risks for ships in ser- ments (URs) for cyber security, including:
the aspiration of decarbonisation, and vice include: • UR E26 on cyber resilience of ships
preparing for new development, such • IMO circular MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3/ for shipyards/integrators to demon-
as, autonomous navigation. This trans- Rev.1, with high-level recommenda- strate compliance, and
formation extends beyond shipowners, tions to safeguard emerging cyber • UR E27 on cyber resilience of on-
with the shipbuilding industry developing threats and vulnerabilities and in- board systems and equipment for
new digital ecosystems to enhance con- clude functional elements that sup- product suppliers to demonstrate
struction processes and stakeholder par- port effective cyber risk manage- compliance with cyber security re-
ticipation. Equipment manufacturers are ment. quirements, to be mandatory for
benchmarking themselves against the • The Guidelines on Cyber Security classed ships for construction on
most advanced efficiency and safety im- Onboard Ships version 4, jointly de- or after 1 January 2024.
provement initiatives towards informatisa- veloped by BIMCO, INTERCARGO
tion, digitalisation, intelligence and auton- et al.
omy. Class Societies are developing new • Voluntary cyber risk management
Unified Requirements on cyber systems guidelines to manage the cyber risks
to raise the defence against cyber risks. associated with the shipboard OT
Port and terminal sectors will implement systems, developed by Singapore,
“Maritime Single Window” from 2024. in collaboration with the Singapore
University of Technology and De-
Shipowners are implementing digital sign.
monitoring technologies and supporting • IAPH Cybersecurity Guidelines for
software solutions to ensure network se- Ports and Port Facilities.
curity, while charterers have added cy- • IACS Rec.166 - Cyber Resilience
ber risk management to their checklists. • IACS Rec.171 on incorporating cy-
ber risk management into Safety
The bottom line is the implementation Management Systems, to support For more information on this
of IMO resolution Maritime Cyber Risk ship owners for successful com- topic, please visit
Management in Safety Management pliance with cybersecurity require-
Systems (res MSC.428(98)). Other rele- ments in the operational phase. cyberisks/