Page 21 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 21


          Human                          The Human Element Industry Group   place since late 2020 and is charged with
                                                                            working with the industry to look at ‘safe-
                                                                            ty culture’ within the shipping industry.
          Element                        INTERCARGO continues to participate in   INTERCARGO continues to maintain its
                                         the HEIG, which was established in con-
                                         junction with the IMO to facilitate indus-  support for this initiative through active
                                         try input into various IMO initiatives. Our   participation in the routine meetings of
                                         primary focus has been predominantly on   the group, which are currently focused
                                         issues involving hazards associated with   on “Human Centred Design”. This initia-
                                         Enclosed Space Entry, with specific em-  tive aims to build on the IMO’s strategic
                                         phasis on “time pressure” and its impact   plan for the development and implemen-
                                         on  the  effective  implementation  of  en-  tation of new and existing requirements
                                         closed space entry procedures.     to ensure the safe, secure, and environ-
                                                                            mentally sound operation of ships. HEAG
                                         Through the efforts of the HEIG the IMO   is expected to make a recommendation
                                         established  a  correspondence  group   to the IMO during MSC 109 in December.
                                         tasked  with  recommending  changes  to
                                         Resolution A 1050 (27) concerning recom-
                                         mendations for entering enclosed spaces.
                                         As a result of the correspondence group
                                         work the IMO CCC 10 completed a revi-
                                         sion  of  Resolution  A.1050(27)  “Revised
                                         Recommendations for Entering Enclosed
                                         Spaces Aboard Ships”, which will be for-
                                         warded to MSC 110 in 2025 for approval.

                                         The Human element Advisory Group
                                         This group, led by the UK Maritime and
                                         Coastguard Agency (MCA), has been in

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