Page 13 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 13
Geopolitical conflicts
in the Red Sea and its impact
on global shipping
Since November 2023, Houthi forces in The Houthis have broadened their threats while simply performing their vital jobs -
Yemen have continuously attacked in- beyond vessels they believe are linked to jobs that keep the world warm, fed, and
ternational shipping in the Southern Red Israel, the United States, and the Unit- clothed - is completely unacceptable.
Sea, the Bab el Mandeb, and the Gulf ed Kingdom, to include the entire fleet of
of Aden. Such targeted attacks have some companies whose ships may have INTERCARGO condemns the ongoing
turned key global shipping routes in- previously called at Israeli ports one or targeting of merchant ships which direct-
to danger zones, killing seafarers and two years ago. The information used by ly contravene the fundamental principle
threatening their well-being. This is to- the Houthi forces is of uncertain accura- of freedom of navigation. The principle
tally unacceptable and must be reject- cy, and collateral damage from erroneous of freedom of navigation must be upheld,
ed by all. attacks has occurred. thereby allowing the safe trade of essen-
tial goods across the globe.
Consequently, many ship owners and Merchant vessels crewed by civilian sea-
operators decided to take alternative farers transporting global trade have a As during Covid times, dry bulk shipping
routes, disrupting global shipping and right to innocent passage through the re- continues to ensure the transport of key
retail supply chains with increased tran- gion without the threat of attack. The fre- supplies and the smooth running of the
sit time. As a result, the longer distances quency of attacks on merchant shipping global economy. Once again, everyone
caused by rerouting from the Suez Ca- highlights the urgent need for all stake- should be reminded of the value of our
nal to the Cape of Good Hope imply a holders to take decisive action to safe- seafarers and the imperative for their le-
70% increase in greenhouse gas emis- guard the lives of innocent civilian seafar- gal designation as key workers by all na-
sions for a round trip from Singapore to ers and put an end to such threats. The tions with special/favourable handling by
Northern Europe. loss of life and injuries to civilian seafarers ports and countries of destination.
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