Page 21 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2019/2020
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Media Releases

             September 10, 2019                                April 28, 2020
            (Joint) Round Table leaders set their sights on   Crew Change for ‘Key Workers’ at Sea
            the future                                        Must be Top of the Industry’s Agenda, says
             October 7, 2019
            2020 still dominates dry bulk shipping’s           June 12, 2020
            challenges                                        Urgent video message: Crew Change – time is
                                                              running out
             December 18, 2019
            (Joint) “Shipping sector proposes USD 5 billion    June 24, 2020
            R&D board to cut emissions”                       Day of the Seafarer: Slow Response from
                                                              Governments Pushing Seafarers to their Limits
             January 31, 2020
            INTERCARGO applauds the IMO’s intention to         July 27, 2020
            improve casualty investigation reporting          (Joint) Vistrato’s Covid-19 Guide – A first in co-
                                                              operation between INTERCARGO and DBTG
             March 9, 2020                                    to ensure the safety of all at the ship/shore
            (Joint) Gulf of Guinea Security                   interface

             March 9, 2020                                     July 27, 2020
            (Joint) Industry Challenges                       Crew change: Drastic measures needed now
            (COVID-19, GHG & IMRB)
                                                               July 29, 2020
             March 9, 2020                                    Dry Bulk Shipping: Sustainably serving the
            (Joint) Implementation Challenges of 2020         world’s essential needs (video)
            Sulphur Cap
                                                               August 19, 2020
             March 17, 2020                                   (Joint) Industry survey shows switch to low-
            Coronavirus poses major challenges for            sulphur fuel has not been without problems
            seafarers on merchant ships from increasing
            restrictions imposed by port states                August 19, 2020
                                                              M/V Wakashio grounding and the environmental
             March 31, 2020                                   tragedy in Mauritius
            (Joint) New publication offers updated maritime
            security guidance for mariners operating off      September 21, 2020
            West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea                Shipping’s inclusion in EU ETS ignores
                                                              industry’s calls for collaboration
             March 31, 2020
            (Joint) Safety Warranty Prevails: US Supreme      September 24, 2020
            Court Rules that Owners can Rely on Absolute      World Maritime Day 2020: Sustainable shipping
            Warranty in Frequently Used Safe Berth Clause     for a sustainable planet

              All Media Releases can be found at:

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