Page 16 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2019/2020
P. 16


            Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

            emissions from ships

            The energy efficiency of the dry                   Global challenges require global handling and global solu-
                                                               tions. The IMO is expected to deliver a level playing field
            bulk shipping sector is amongst                    both geographically and across industry sectors. Time and
            the best in the industry but it must               time again regional regulations have proven ineffective, as
                                                               they create distortions and multi-tier markets, and indeed,
            improve further. INTERCARGO                        even trade tensions. e.g. refer to our latest Media Release
            strongly supports the initial                      “Shipping’s inclusion in EU ETS ignores industry’s calls for
                                                               collaboration” (Sep.21).
            strategy of the International
                                                               The challenge to decarbonise shipping is enormous and the
            Maritime Organization (IMO) for                    adoption of IMO’s initial strategy and  GHG Roadmap focus-
            the reduction of Greenhouse Gas                    es on the practical implementation of short, medium, and
                                                               long-term measures.
            (GHG) emissions from ships.
                                                               Throughout the process these measures will need to re-
                                                               spect the characteristics of each shipping sector. In the
                                                               short term INTERCARGO believes that the measures to be
                                                               adopted should be effective and equitable for both old and
                                                               new vessels.  It is crucial that charterers are engaged, as
                                                               they are responsible for how ships are utilised.  In the longer
                                                               term, adequate, safe, innovative technological solutions will
                                                               be  needed, which are  currently non-existent.  GHG emis-
                                                               sions largely depend on the design and the technology of
                                                               the constructed ships, their engines and machinery, and the
                                                               fuels used for propulsion. Therefore shipbuilders, engine
                                                               manufacturers, and fuel suppliers must be fully engaged in
                                                               the successful implementation of IMO’s vision for 2050.
                                                               Shipowners have responded responsibly to the challenge
                                                               by putting forward the USD 5bn R&D fund proposal as a
                                                               much needed longer-term complementary contribution to
                                                               set in motion the chain of innovation, investment, produc-
                                                               tion, and adoption by the marketplace of innovative technol-
                                                               ogies and energy carriers.

                                                               The 6th Session of the IMO Intersessional Working Group
                                                               on the Reduction of GHG Emissions (ISWG-GHG 6) took
                                                               place on 11-15 November 2019. An informal preliminary dis-
                                                               cussion session on short-term measures for reduction of
                                                               GHG emissions from ships took place on 6-10 July 2020
                                                               prior to IMO’ deliberations later in 2020.

            For more information on this topic please visit:
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