Page 20 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2019/2020
P. 20


            A dry bulk sector quality self-assessment


            INTERCARGO has long recognised                     INTERCARGO’ DRY-SAS is a risk-based, tailored self-as-
                                                               sessment scheme specifically for the dry bulk sector which
            the need for companies in the                      concentrates on shore management and can be effectively
            dry bulk sector to have a widely                   utilised irrespective of the size of a company.
            accepted and common quality                        Recognising  that  the  sector  would  not  welcome  multiple
                                                               separate  schemes  with  the  associated  duplications,  IN-
            benchmark. First considered five                   TERCARGO is aiming at a single scheme which will enjoy
            years ago, the issue was revisited                 industry-wide  support,  embrace  best  practices  and  key
                                                               performance indicators, and raise the bar on safety, envi-
            in 2018 and since then, with the                   ronmental and operational excellence. To this direction, IN-
            assistance of both its members and                 TERCARGO has engaged with other industry organisations
                                                               to explore synergies and achieve collaboration.
            external experts, INTERCARGO has
                                                               INTERCARGO envisages  a scheme carefully developed,
            worked to develop a dry bulk sector                widely consulted upon, and accordingly accepted by the in-
            quality self-assessment scheme.                    dustry as offering the best service for the dry bulk sector.

            For more information on this topic please visit:
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