Page 19 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2019/2020
P. 19
Cyber Risks
Industry Guidelines
INTERCARGO is involved in the development of the Indus-
try Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships, first pub-
lished in 2016. Version 4 of the Guidelines is expected to be
published by the end of 2020, and by continuing to partic-
ipate in the work of the joint industry working group, com-
ments from INTERCARGO Members have shaped the draft-
ing and review of this important resource.
The Industry Guidelines are designed to develop under-
standing and awareness of key aspects of cyber security
and cyber safety. They focus on distinctive issues onboard
ships and assume a high level of commitment from the com-
pany ashore.
The International Association for Classification Societies
(IACS) issued its own guidance, ‘Recommendation on Cy-
ber Resilience (No. 166)’. The IACS recommendation ap-
plies to new build ships only and can also serve as guidance
for existing ships on the use of computer-based systems
which provide control, alarm, monitoring, safety or internal
communication functions. IACS is expected to develop sev-
eral sets of Unified Requirements on cyber resilience to ap-
ply to ship new buildings.
IMO Requirements
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a
resolution, ‘Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety
Management Systems (res MSC.428(98)’, in June 2017. The
resolution encourages Flag States to ensure that cyber risks
are appropriately addressed in the existing Safety Manage-
ment Systems (SMS) of a shipping company by 1 January
Ship safety and security cannot be separated, and both
are complementary to safety and security management
practices. Cyber risk is a security issue but also falls un-
der ship safety management. Maritime cyber risk manage-
ment should be reflected by appropriate cyber risk manage-
ment procedures in the SMS of the company. At the same
time, the physical security aspects of cybersecurity should
be addressed in the Ship Security Plan (SSP).
For more information on this topic please visit: