Page 17 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2019/2020
P. 17

Ballast Water Management

           Prior to the  entry into force of                 The implementation challenges of the Convention especially
                                                             relate to retrofitting ballast water management (BWM) sys-
           the International Convention for                  tems on to the existing bulk carrier fleet, the performance of
           the Control and Management of                     the systems at sea;  the operating conditions of the vessel;
                                                             and the levels of support available for these systems e.g. the
           Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments                worldwide availability of service engineers and spare parts.
           (Ballast Water Convention) on the                 In addition to the technical challenges, INTERCARGO is of

           8th  September 2017, INTERCARGO                   the strong opinion that the regulation should respect the
                                                             highly capital-intensive nature of the industry and avoid
           expressed its concerns about                      marginalising thousands of viable and quality bulk carriers
           the practical problems faced                      by destroying the ‘level playing field’ that the industry works
                                                             to promote. During consultation INTERCARGO presented
           by its Members, raising these                     this case to IMO, and whilst its position was not reflected in
           concerns with the International                   the final legislation, the Association  welcomed the entry in-
                                                             to force of the Ballast Water Convention. However, nation-
           Maritime Organization (IMO) and                   al governments are urged not to develop more onerous lo-
           at other fora. While it welcomed                  cal requirements for ballast water on top of the Convention.
           the purpose and the focus of the                  INTERCARGO remains concerned about the practical prob-
                                                             lems faced by the dry bulk sector and has encouraged its
           Convention, INTERCARGO believed                   Members to work closely with manufacturers to achieve ef-
           that the regulatory bodies should                 fective implementation of the Convention. INTERCARGO in-
                                                             vited and finally welcomed the establishment of an associ-
           consider the challenges faced by                  ation of their own for this purpose. INTERCARGO remains

           operators of existing bulk carriers,              committed to investigating the ongoing practical problems
                                                             in retrofitting existing dry bulk ships with BWM systems and
           the largest segment of commercial                 the operation of these systems.
           shipping by deadweight tonnage.                   As part of our efforts to fully understand the issues with the
                                                             BWM systems, INTERCARGO has carried out and/or partic-
                                                             ipated in a number of surveys of BWM systems fitted on ves-
                                                             sels. In relation to this, INTERCARGO recently participated
                                                             in a survey with MARTECMA and Intertanko, the report is
                                                             available to members  at

          For more information on this topic please visit:

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