Page 7 - INTERCARGO's ESG Review 2024
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                          INTERCARGO’S FOCUS AREAS

                          • Safe carriage   • COVID-19 pandemic.  • Crew change under     • Seafarers in dry bulk   • Red Sea crisis / Ukraine
                             of cargoes and   • Safe carriage of cargoes   COVID-19 pandemic.  shipping suffering from   crisis.
                           investigation    and investigation     • Safe carriage of cargoes    long COVID.       • DBCE / DryBMS.
                             of incidents.    of incidents.        and investigation      • Ukraine cargoes.      • Safe carriage of cargoes.
                          • Global sulphur   • 2020 Global sulphur limit     of incidents.  • Safe carriage of cargoes.  • Design and construction
                           limit in fuels   implementation.       • Global sulphur limit      • Design and construction      of bulk carriers.
                           implementation.  • Reduction of         and fuel quality.       of bulk carriers.      • Investigation of incidents.
                          • Reduction of    greenhouse gas (GHG)   • Reduction of greenhouse   • Investigation of incidents.  • Reduction of GHG
                           greenhouse gas   emissions.             gas (GHG) emissions.   • Reduction of GHG       emissions.
                           (GHG) emissions.  • Ballast water      • Ballast water management.  emissions.         • Ballast water
                          • Ballast water     management.         • Piracy and armed robbery.  • Ballast water     management.
                           management.     • Piracy and armed     • Cyber risks.             management.          • Piracy and armed
                          • Design and      robbery.              • Human element.        • Piracy and armed robbery.  robbery at sea.
                           construction      • Cyber risks.       • DryBMS as a quality   • Cyber risks.          • Digitalisation
                           of bulk carriers.  • A dry bulk sector quality   standard for the dry bulk   • Human element.  and cyber risks.
                                            self assessment scheme.  sector.              • DryBMS.               • Human element.
                                           • Design and construction    • Design and construction
                                            of bulk carriers.      of bulk carriers.

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