Page 2 - INTERCARGO's ESG Review 2024
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                                                                    Foreword by INTERCARGO's Chairman                                3
                                                                    About this Review                                                4

                                                                    INTERCARGO and the dry bulk shipping sector                      5
                                                                    INTERCARGO’s ESG initiatives and impacts                         11
                                                                      Environment                                                    12

                                                                        Ballast Water                                                13
                                                                        GHG, Sulphur and Other Emissions                             13
                                                                        Ship Recycling                                               15

                                                                      Social                                                         17
                                                                        Contribution to society                                      18

                                                                        Safety, reduction of fatalities, injuries, and loss of vessels   19
                                                                        Ukraine & Red Sea geopolitical crises                        21
                                                                        Seafarer training and development                           22

                                                                        COVID-19 and crew changes                                   23
                                                                        Piracy, crime risks                                         24

                                                                        Unfair detentions of seafarers                              25
                                                                      Governance                                                    28
                                                                        Stakeholder Dialogue                                        29

                                                                        DryBMS                                                      29
                                                                        Cyber Risks & Digitalisation                                30
                                                                        Other Initiatives                                            31

                                                                    Concluding Remarks by INTERCARGO's Secretary General            32
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