Page 27 - INTERCARGO's ESG Review 2024
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                          INTERCARGO MESSAGING & COMMUNICATIONS (continued)

                            INTERCARGO calls            INTERCARGO:                “Crew change:               “Slow Response from
                            for seafarers to            Charterers preventing      Drastic measures            Governments Pushing
                            receive COVID-19            crew change must           needed now”                 Seafarers to their
                            vaccine as a priority       be held to account                                     Limits”

                            09.12.2020  Learn more      02.11.2020  Learn more     27.07.2020  Learn more      24.06.2020  Learn more

                            Crew Change for             New publication            Coronavirus poses           Gulf of Guinea
                            ‘Key Workers’ at Sea        offers updated             major challenges            Security
                            Must be Top of the          maritime security          for seafarers on
                            Industry’s Agenda,          guidance for mariners      merchant ships
                            says INTERCARGO             operating off West         from increasing
                                                        Africa and the Gulf        restrictions imposed
                                                        of Guinea                  by port states

                            28.04.2020  Learn more      31.03.2020  Learn more     17.03.2020  Learn more      09.03.2020  Learn more

                            “INTERCARGO                 Celebrating the Day        “INTERCARGO                 Cargo liquefaction
                            applauds the IMO’s          of the Seafarer 2019:      on Bulk Carrier             continues to be
                            intention to improve        “I Am On Board with        Casualties reporting”       a major risk for
                            casualty investigation      gender equality"                                       dry bulk shipping

                            30.01.2020  Learn more      25.06.2019  Learn more     24.04.2019  Learn more      31.01.2019  Learn more

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