Page 22 - INTERCARGO - Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2023
P. 22


         Name           IMO No.                   Deadweight  Built        Flag         Class        Loss of life
                        9138953      25-Feb-16    170082      1997         Panama       NK           0
                        Suspected cause: Allision, grounding and flooding (Likely root cause: human error) - Carrying
                        iron ore cargo, it struck Canal bank and ran aground in Suez Canal with two pilots on board
         New Katerina
                        while transiting in southern direction and sustained considerable damage in its fore part with
                        water ingress.
                        Investigation report on IMO GISIS: available on 2017.04.18 (14 months)
         Name           IMO No.                   Deadweight  Built        Flag         Class        Loss of life
                        9135688      29-Feb-16    161121      1997         Panama       KRS          0
                        Suspected cause: Grounding and flooding (Likely root cause: human error) - Carrying 160,000
         New Mykonos    tons of coal from Richards Bay to Vizag, it ran aground near Faux Cap, Madagascar on 29 Feb and
                        broke in three parts and sank on 8 May 2016.
                        Investigation report on IMO GISIS:  available on 2017.04.17 (15 months)
         Name           IMO No.                   Deadweight  Built        Flag         Class        Loss of life
                        9172961      30-Jul-16    44183       1998         Liberia      BV           0
                        Suspected cause: Grounding (Likely root cause: human error) - not carrying any cargo, it ran
         Benita         aground off Mahebourg on 17 Jun and sank under tow on 30 Jul approximately 93.5 nautical miles
                        from Mauritius.
                        Investigation report on IMO GISIS: available on 2019.04.22 (33 months)


         Name           IMO No.                   Deadweight  Built        Flag         Class        Loss of life
                        9038725      31-Mar-17    266141      1993                      KR           22
                        Reported cause: Flooding (Likely root cause: catastrophic structural failure) - The vessel,
         Stellar Daisy
                        loaded with a cargo of iron ore from Brazil, sank in South Atlantic shortly after issuing a
                        distress signal. Two crew members were rescued with 22 missing.
                        Investigation report on IMO GISIS: available on 2019.4.20 (25 months)
         Name           IMO No.                   Deadweight  Built        Flag         Class        loss of life
                                                                           Hong Kong,
                        9449261      13-Oct-17    57367       2010                      DNV GL       10
                        Reported cause: Cargo liquefaction (Likely root cause: cargo liquefaction) - loaded with nickel
                        ore cargo from Buli, Indonesia, cargo liquefaction and shifting occurred onboard Emerald Star
         Emerald Star
                        causing the vessel heavily listed and finally capsized and sank approximately in position
                        19°03’N, 124°52’E at about 0140 hours on 13 October 2017. 16 crew members were rescued with 10
                        crew members missing.
                        Investigation report on IMO GISIS: available on 2021.06.02 (44 months)

         Name           IMO No.                  Deadweight   Built        Flag         Class        Loss of life
                        9047740     18-Jun-18    50587        1993         Australia    DNV GL       0
                        Reported cause: Fire (Likely root cause: human element) - during cargo discharge operations
                        of the ship’s cargo of dolomite while alongside at Port Kembla, a fire broke out in the
                        internal cargo handling spaces and eventually extinguished about 5 days after it started. The
         Iron Chieftain self-unloading (SUL) bulk carrier sustained substantial structural damage, including breaches of
                        two fuel oil tanks, and key components of the SUL system were largely destroyed. The ship was
                        declared a constructive total loss. The ship’s crew were evacuated. There were no serious injuries
                        or pollution of the sea reported.
                        Investigation report on IMO GISIS: available on 2021.7.29 (37 months)

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