Page 14 - INTERCARGO - Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2023
P. 14

Analysis of total losses

                                   from 2013 to 2022

                               26 bulk carriers over 10,000 dwt have been identified as
                                   lost, an average of 2.6 per year

                               104 crew members lost their lives as consequence, or on
                                   average ten fatalities per year
                               The average age of the bulk carriers lost was 18.3 years

                               Vessels amounting to 2.12 million dwt in total have been
                                   lost, an average 211,923 dwt per year

                                   Losses by cause

            Reported cause       Losses of life       Losses of ships     Likely root cause     Losses of ships
          Cargo liquefaction           70                   5            Cargo liquefaction           5
              Cargo shift              0                    1                 Unknown                 1
                                                                           Human element              1
            Fire/explosion             0                    2
                                                                              Unknown                 1
                                                                             Structural               1
               Flooding                22                   3
                                                                              Unknown                 2
                                                                           Human element              9
               Grounding               0                    12                Weather                 1
                                                                             Navigation               2
               Collision               0                    1                 Unknown                 1
                                                                          Machinery failure           1
                Weather                12                   2
                                                                              Unknown                 1
                TOTAL                 104                   26                                        26

                                   •  Cargo liquefaction remains the greatest contributor to loss
                                       of life, accounting for 70 lives or 67.3% of the total loss of life in
                                       the past ten years.

                                   •  Groundings remain the greatest cause of ship losses, with 12
                                       losses or 46.2% of the total.
                                   •  Three casualties (11.5% of the total) were a result of flooding and
                                       these cost 22 lives - a significant 21.2% of the total number of
                                       lives lost.

                                   •  The  average  life  loss  per  ship  casualty  was  4.00  during  the
                                       ten-year  period  between  2013  and  2022  and  3.41  between
                                       2012 and 2021. This compares to 3.56 during 2011 and 2020.

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