Page 10 - INTERCARGO - Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2023
P. 10

Safety performance of bulk carriers

                                   The bulk carrier industry has seen a welcome long-term positive safety trend in
                                   recent years.

                                   Ship loss statistics between 2013 and 2022 are highlighted in the ‘Safety perfor-
                                   mance of bulk carriers’ section in this report.

                                   They suggest a clear improvement in terms of the number of annual losses of
                                   bulk carriers versus the total number of bulk carriers in the global fleet.

                                   The rolling ten-year trend also illustrates positive signs of safety improvement.
                                   This positive safety trend can be compared with industry figures which highlight
                                   continued growth of the global bulk carrier fleet in the years since 2013.

                                   However, we must remain vigilant and alert and constantly seek to improve car-
                                   go safety and safe navigation, to avoid cargo liquefaction and ship grounding.

                                   Lessons to be learned

                                   Learning lessons from incidents and casualties and the sharing of experience have
                                   proven to be effective in raising safety awareness.

                                   In addition of the submission of the INTERCARGO Bulk Carrier Casualty Report to
                                   IMO every year since 1996, INTERCARGO has made its voices heard on various
                                   safety issues at IMO through papers and interventions. On the matter of cargo safe-
                                   ty for instance, the following papers to IMO were co-sponsored by INTERCARGO:

                                   •  MSC 102/21/9/Rev.1 – proposal to close gaps in these regulations that were
                                       identified during the flag State’s marine safety investigation of the loss of the
                                       Stellar Daisy, dated 9 April 2020.
                                   •  MSC 102/21/10 – proposal to address safety issues that were identified during
                                       the flag State’s marine safety investigation of the loss of MV Stellar Daisy, dated
                                       11 February 2020.
                                   •  MSC 99/20/7 – proposal to amend the definition of “Group A” in the IMSBC
                                       Code to include phenomena other than “liquefaction”, dated 13 February 2018.
                                   •  MSC 93/17– proposal of the full and proper implementation of,
                                       and  compliance  with,  the  provisions  of  SOLAS  chapter  VI  and  the
                                       IMSBC Code in order to facilitate the safety of crews, ships and cargoes, dated
                                       17 October 2013.
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