Page 5 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 5



          from the Chairman

                                         As I write my final message as Chairman of   both global trade and our environmen-
                                         INTERCARGO, I reflect on a year that has   tal footprint. The 15% rise in global piracy
                                         both tested our industry’s resilience and   incidents, including developments in the
                                         demonstrated significant progress across   Gulf of Guinea and Somali piracy, em-
                                         multiple fronts.                   phasises the need for enhanced securi-
                                                                            ty measures.
                                         Safety remains at the heart of everything
                                         we do. Our 2024 Bulk Carrier Casualty Re-  Meanwhile, our active involvement in re-
                                         port highlights encouraging trends, with   viewing  Common  Structural  Rules  and
                                         vessel losses declining even as the fleet   participation in the revision of IACS Rec-
                                         continues to grow. However, the devastat-  ommendation 34 on Standard Wave Data
                                         ing consequences of cargo liquefaction re-  demonstrates our ongoing commitment
                                         mind us that significant challenges remain,   to safety through technical excellence.
                                         requiring ongoing vigilance and proactive
                                         measures. Issues such as cargo liquefac-  As I conclude my tenure as Chairman, I am
                                         tion and enclosed space entry continue to   particularly proud of how INTERCARGO
                                         contribute to casualties, underscoring the   has evolved to meet these multifaceted
          Dimitrios J. Fafalios          importance of our continued efforts.   challenges whilst maintaining its commit-
          Chairman                                                          ment to quality shipping. The foundations
                                         On the environmental front, our advoca-  we have built together - our dedication to
                                         cy for practical decarbonisation solutions   safety, environmental responsibility, and
                                         continues, supporting the IMO’s net-zero   operational excellence - position our As-
                                         emissions target whilst emphasising the   sociation strongly for the future.
                                         need for adequate infrastructure and al-
                                         ternative fuels. The final implementation   I extend my sincere gratitude to our mem-
                                         deadline for the Ballast Water Manage-  bers, fellow office bearers, and the Sec-
                                         ment  Convention’s  D-2  standard  marks   retariat for their unwavering support and
                                         another  significant  environmental  mile-  dedication  during  my  chairmanship.  It
                                         stone, though it presents operational chal-  has been an honour to serve this distin-
                                         lenges particularly for bulk carriers.  guished organisation and to work along-
                                                                            side such committed professionals in ad-
                                         The launch of the Dry Bulk Centre of Ex-  vancing the interests of quality dry bulk
                                         cellence and its DryBMS portal in August   shipping.
                                         2024  represents  a  major  advancement
                                         in operational excellence. This initiative,   I  take  this  opportunity  to  welcome  the
                                         alongside  our  inaugural  ESG  Review,   Chairman-elect of INTERCARGO, John
                                         demonstrates our industry’s commitment   Xylas. John’s extensive knowledge and
                                         to  sustainable  operations  and  transpar-  experience in the dry bulk industry to-
                                         ent governance. The strong initial uptake   gether  with  his  active  participation  at
                                         by numerous companies reflects the in-  HELMEPA  and  UGS  will  doubtless  as-
                                         dustry’s shared vision for continuous im-  sist  our  Association  in  moving  forward
                                         provement.                         for the benefit of our global membership.
                                                                            I hope that you will join me in giving John
                                         Maritime security has emerged as a criti-  our wholehearted support from 1st Jan-
                                         cal challenge, particularly in the Red Sea   uary 2025.
                                         region where Houthi attacks have forced
                                         significant  route  alterations,  impacting   December 2024

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