Page 5 - INTERCARGO - Annual Report Report 2022 - 2023
P. 5


                                   Message from the


                                   The past year has certainly been a year of no-  ambitious aims and objectives and we con-
                                   table highs and lows across the shipping in-  gratulate them on their hard work against a
                                   dustry, with the dry bulk sector being no ex-  backdrop of a steady increase in port state
        Dimitrios J. Fafalios      ception.                              control detention rates in all regions.
                                   A major talking point of the past 12 months,   Our other notable annual publication is the
                                   as has been the case for some time now,   Bulk Carrier Casualty Report, which shows
                                   is the journey to decarbonization and   that despite  improvements  being  made  in
                                   INTERCARGO welcomed the revised green-  safety, liquefaction remains the greatest con-
                                   house gas (GHG) strategy from IMO Mem-  tributor to seafarer losses in dry bulk shipping.
                                   ber States in July (MEPC80).
                                                                         The message is clear – we cannot and we
                                   We have been calling for faster acceleration   should not be complacent and we must all
                                   of green technologies  and fuels for a long   do more to increase safety at sea and protect
                                   time, and so we fully support the IMO’s goal   our seafarers and vessels. INTERCARGO, as
                                   of  reaching Net-Zero  GHG emissions  by  or   the voice of the dry bulk shipping sector, will
                                   around 2050. However, we wish to stress that   continue to help lead the response to these
                                   ship owners cannot be liable for this alone   events.
                                   and we all need to share responsibility to  ef-
                                                                         On a less positive note, INTERCARGO re-
                                   fectively reach this goal.
                                                                         mains concerned over the safe transit of
                                   Whilst on matters of the environment,   ships exporting various agricultural and other
                                   INTERCARGO was also pleased to welcome   dry bulk products, since the cessation of the
                                   the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention   Black Sea Grain Initiative in July, which pro-
                                   which will now enter into force in June 2025. It   vided a safe corridor for vessels leaving three
                                   marks a significant step in the industry’s drive   Ukrainian ports in a bid to prevent a global
                                   for safer and more sustainable ship recycling.  food crisis.
                                   On a positive note, INTERCARGO has    We wish to stress that members should use
                                   reached new historic highs in its membership   all resources available to ensure safety of
                                   and now represents one third of the glob-  navigation for their vessels and crews as
 INTERCARGO                        al dry bulk fleet (in dwt) . We are very proud   INTERCARGO continues to support all ef-
                                   of this achievement and are delighted that so
                                                                         forts by the IMO and other international initia-
                                   many new members have seen the benefits   tives to find a solution, so that we can protect
                                                                         the global supply chain and food security.
                                   of joining our association, which strives to ad-
 has reached new                   dress the key issues being faced in the dry   The shipping industry as a whole is amazing-
                                   bulk sector.
                                                                         shown itself to be very responsive to geopo-
                                   It was also both reassuring and pleasing to   ly resilient and the dry bulk/tramp sector has
 historic highs in its             note that INTERCARGO members have con-  litical developments. At INTERCARGO, we
                                   tinued to surpass industry average perfor-
                                                                         will continue to work hard to tackle any chal-
                                   mance  in  deficiencies  and  detentions  as   lenges which come our way, to create a safer
                                                                         and cleaner environment for those transport-
                                   shown in our annual Benchmarking Report.
 membership                        It is a clear indication that our members are   ing our cargoes around the globe.
                                   making great efforts to help us to achieve our

                                                                         September 2023
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