Page 11 - INTERCARGO - Annual Report Report 2022 - 2023
P. 11


 INDUSTRY                          INTERCARGO’s work programme

 TOPICS                             INTERCARGO works to ensure a safe, efficient,

                                    high quality and environmentally friendly dry bulk
                                    shipping industry.

           In addition to addressing unique issues   spondence groups, and its consultative   reporting  on  specific  operational  as-
           affecting the dry bulk sector, INTERCAR-  status at International Maritime Organi-  pects to assess problems related to
           GO also focuses on a number of impor-  zation (IMO) deliberations enable mem-  terminals and loading/unloading at an-
           tant topics which are of broader concern   bers  to gain  access to cross-industry   chorage.
           to international shipping as a whole. The   sources of knowledge and engage in
                                                                               INTERCARGO’s activities are also di-
           role of INTERCARGO is to explore them   drafting strategy for both the dry bulk
                                                                               rected towards challenges and issues
           from the perspective of dry bulk shipping,   and the wider shipping industry.
                                                                               of  interest  to  its  membership  that  go
           bringing forward solutions that corre-
                                             Members  can  use  INTERCARGO  as   beyond specific items of its work pro-
           spond to the special characteristics and
                                             an information and experience-sharing   gramme, such as the development of a
           needs of the dry bulk sector.
                                             hub across all of the topics in its work   quality self-assessment scheme for the
           INTERCARGO’s participation in interna-  programme. On an ongoing basis they   dry bulk sector.
           tional fora, industry working and corre-  can also use INTERCARGO’s internal
           Monthly accounts of the Secretariat’s activities can be referred to at

           SAFETY – SECURITY                 ENVIRONMENT – QUALITY             REGULATION

              Cargoes, “Liquefaction”           Ballast Water                     International Maritime
              Design & Construction,            Coatings                          Organisation (IMO)
              Machinery & Operations                                              Other Legislation
                    Class & Statutory Rules                                       Miscellaneous Issues
                                                      Green House Gas - CO
                    Cargo Gear                        emissions
                    Hatch Covers                      Sulphur Cap, SOx and Par-
                                                      ticulate Matter (PM) emis-
                    Loading Rates
              Incidents & Casualties
                                                      Other  emissions  (NOx,
              Life Saving                             Black Carbon)
              Piracy                            Ports & Terminals
              Cyber Risks                             Reception Facilities

                                                      Port State Control
                                                      & Transparency
                                                      Corruption, Criminalisation
                                                Training, Manpower
                                                & Human Element

                                     For more information on each topic please visit
                                              and navigate TOPICS in the main menu.

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