Page 27 - INTERCARGO - Annual Report 2022
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 Publications                                 Joint / Supported Publications

 Benchmarking Report    Bulk Carrier Casualty Report   2020-2021 Annual Review   The special anniversary   The Guidelines on Cyber   Bulk Carrier Ventilation
 2020 – 2021  2012-2021  publication “INTERCARGO   Security onboard Ships        Guide
         – The First 40 Years” had
 At the time of publication of   The Casualty Report provides    The 2020-2021 Annual Review   INTERCARGO together with BIMCO,   Proper ventilation is essential to
 INTERCARGO’s 2021–2022   an analysis of reported bulk carrier   outlines the activities of our   been sponsored by our   Chamber of Shipping of America,   preventing damage to the cargo
 Benchmarking Report, not only was the   losses during the most recent    Association for the period September   Association in view of its   Digital Containership Association,   and to ensure the safety of the
 shipping industry still suffering from the   ten-year period.  2020 to August 2021.  anniversary  Interferry, ICS, InterManager,   crew and vessel in bulk carriers.
 ongoing difficulties brought about by the     INTERTANKO, IMCA, IUMI, OCIMF,    To provide ship’s masters and
 Covid-19 pandemic, but the shipping           Superyacht Builders Association,   crew with an understanding of
 community has also been caught
                                               and WSC produced and supported    different ventilation requirements
 up in the terrible conflict in Ukraine.
                                               the fourth edition of the Industry   for bulk cargoes, INTERCARGO,
 Despite these significant events the
                                               Guidelines on Cyber Security      The Standard Club and DNV
 benchmarking report demonstrates the
                                               Onboard Ships.                    have launched a ventilation guide
 continued commitment of our members
 to operations consistent with safety and
 environmental excellence.
   More information about the latest and     Please visit:     Please visit:      Please visit:      Please visit:   
 previous benchmarking Bulk Carriers                                             Please visit:
 reports can be found at:                                              
 er-casualty-report-2012-2021/                   rity-onboard-ships/                                              lation-guide/
                                              Information about other cosponsored and older publications can be found at:

 2021 Dry Bulk Shipping video: “Sustainably                   2020 Dry Bulk Shipping video: “Sustainably
 serving the world’s essential needs”                         serving the world’s essential needs”

                                                              In 2020 INTERCARGO produced a video to stress
 INTERCARGO updated its last year’s video production on
                                                              the importance of Dry Bulk shipping to the world.
 the importance of Dry Bulk shipping to the world.

   To watch the 2021 video please visit:                       To watch the 2020 video please visit:                             

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