Page 22 - INTERCARGO - Annual Report 2022
P. 22


        Human Element                                                                                                           DryBMS – quality self-assessment scheme

                                                                                                                                for the global dry bulk industry

                                                           The Human Element Industry Group (HEIG)                              INTERCARGO and RightShip are                       During the course of 2021/2022 INTERCARGO and Right-
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ship have continued to work on the development of Dry-
                                                           INTERCARGO continues to play an active role in the HEIG,
                                                                                                                                founding partners of DryBMS,                       BMS. The scheme implementation is now in the final stag-
                                                           an industry group established in conjunction with the IMO                                                               es of refinement following considerable discussion between
                                                           comprising non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with in-            a self-assessment scheme for the
                                                                                                                                                                                   industry partners and INTERCARGO membership.
                                                           terests in the human element that are accredited to the IMO.
                                                                                                                                global dry bulk industry addressing
                                                                                                                                                                                   DryBMS is intended to provide owners and operators with a
                                                                                                                                safety, environmental and                          robust set of best practices and standards designed to im-
                                                           Working Groups                                                                                                          prove operational performance by utilising a continuous im-
                                                                                                                                operational excellence.
                                                                                                                                                                                   provement model.
                                                           The HEIG conducts its work through several working groups
                                                           on  which  INTERCARGO  is  specifically  represented  on  the                                                           While discussions are set to continue through the remain-
                                                           Enclosed Space Entry working group and a sub-group                                                                      der of 2022, the aim is to commence a pilot scheme before
                                                           considering Time Pressure as a discrete element requiring                                                               end of the year, with a targeted launch date of spring 2023.
                                                           Current work programme
                                                           •   Review IMO Resolution A 1050 (27) which was
                                                              adopted in 2011 concerning recommendations for
                                                              entering enclosed spaces with a view to propose
                                                              changes to this Resolution to IMO’s Maritime Safety
                                                              Committee (2022).
                                                           •   The proposal for revision is at the final stages of
                                                              drafting and will be submitted for consideration at
                                                              MSC 106 in November.

                                                           The Human Element Advisory Group (HEAG)

                                                           In late 2020 the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
                                                           commenced an initiative in conjunction with the industry
                                                           looking at the human element from a safety perspective with
                                                           particular emphasis on ‘safety culture’.
                                                           This initiative, led by the MCA’s Human Element Policy Group,
                                                           which held a kick-off meeting in March 2021 has subsequent-
                                                           ly commenced the revision of the MCA publication “Leading
                                                           for Safety” to which input from INTERCARGO has been sub-
                                                           Furthermore, the MCA has developed a proposed approach
                                                           to a UK safety culture strategy which will be shared with the
                                                           industry through various mechanisms including an updated
                                                           version of the Code of Safe Working Practices.

                                                           Together in Safety

                                                           INTERCARGO is a proud supporter of the ‘Together in Safety’
                                                           initiative. Please read about it at

                                                                                                                                  For more information on this topic please visit:
              For more information on this topic please visit:

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