Page 37 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2023-2024
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            Industry meetings / conferences & fora

         INTERCARGO meets regularly with its Round Table partner   INTERCARGO is also engaged with the Association of Re-
         organisations (ICS, INTERTANKO and BIMCO) to enhance   source Companies, Ship Operators, Ports & Terminals (ARC-
         synergies for the benefit of the industry.         SOPT),  an  Australian-based  association  about  shipping
                                                            standards in Australian ports.
         INTERCARGO  participates  in  the  Annual  Tripartite  Forum
         and its follow-up meetings. The Tripartite refers to a series of   INTERCARGO also represents its membership in many other
         meetings during a year of the three groups: Owners, Classifi-  international shipping fora and of course at the International
         cation Societies/IACS, and the Shipbuilders Associations of,   Maritime Organization (please refer to relevant section).
         predominantly, China, Japan and South Korea.

         INTERCARGO  is  engaged  with  the  European  Community
         Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) on key EU regulatory devel-  About other meetings & conferences please visit:
         opments affecting the dry bulk shipping sector.

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