Page 42 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2019/2020
P. 42
Becoming a Member
Full Consociate Associate
Member Member Member
Any company that owns, operates Any company that owns, operates Any entity that provides goods or
or manages dry bulk carriers of or manages dry bulk carriers below services to the dry cargo shipping
10,000 dwt and above. 10,000 dwt industry.
GBP 4,500 for 1 to 5 ships and GBP half the fees that would be paid as a GBP 1,250
350 for each sixth and subsequent Full Member
ship up to a capped maximum of
GBP 21,000;
Members joining after the start of the membership year (1 January)
are entitled to an initial pro-rata membership fee.
For the latest updates about joining INTERCARGO
please visit
Enquiries regarding joining should be sent to the Secretariat
The INTERCARGO Secretariat moved to new independent offices in November 2019.