Page 36 - INTERCARGO - Annual Review 2019/2020
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            Fleet & Performance

             Global dry bulk fleet vs INTERCARGO registered fleet as of 1st September 2020

                          10-40k DWT    40-65k DWT     65-100k DWT   100-220k DWT  220k+ DWT      TOTAL
                          No.    mil.   No.    mil.    No.    mil.   No.    mil.   No.     mil.   No.    mil.
                                 dwt           dwt            dwt           dwt            dwt           dwt
             Global Dry   3.177  95,7   3.738  208,8   2.809  226,4  1.567  279,4  251     77,4   11.542  887,7
             Bulk Fleet
             INTERCARGO   462    15,7   662    38,2    634    51,5   510    92,1   74      23,6   2.342  221
             % of global   15%   16%    18%    18%     23%    23%    33%    33%    29%     30%    20%    25%

              Global fleet data source:   Annual  benchmarking  of  INTERCARGO’s  entered  fleet  against  the  non-entered
                                      fleet  continues,  year  on  year,  to  demonstrate  continuous  improvement  both  in
                                      terms of the Port State Control detentions and also the percentage of deficiencies
                                      per inspection.
                                      INTERCARGO continues to evaluate and monitor entered vessels’ performance
                                      against industry standards to ensure it retains leadership in the areas of safety
                                      and environmentally sound operations, which form the bedrock of INTERCARGO’s
                                      drive for improvements in the industry.

                                      It is pleasing to note that even in the extraordinary situation we found ourselves in
                                      during 2020 with the onset of a worldwide pandemic, INTERCARGO has continued
                                      to maintain its quality values where they undoubtedly make a difference.

            INTERCARGO entered ships performance

             Year              INTERCARGO - entered fleet   Non-INTERCARGO fleet     Global bulk carrier fleet
                               detention rate as %        detention rate as %        detention rate %
             2014              1.8                        3.0                        2.9
             2015              1.8                        3.4                        3.3
             2016              1.3                        3.3                        3.1
             2017              1.5                        4.1                        3.8
             2018              1.6                        3.6                        3.3
             Average           1.6                        3.5                        3.3

             Year              INTERCARGO - entered fleet   Non-INTERCARGO fleet     Global bulk carrier fleet
                               Deficiencies per Inspection  Deficiencies per Inspection
                               ratio (DPI)                ratio (DPI)
             2015              1.04                       1.39                       1.36
             2016              1.16                       1.49                       1.46
             2017              1.17                       1.51                       1.45
             2018              1.12                       1.48                       1.40
             Average           1.12                       1.46                       1.42

              Source: INTERCARGO Benchmarking Bulk Carriers, 2018-2019, 11th Edition
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41