Chinese companies allege bribery in arbitration; Korean ferry disaster and Maritime Anti Corruption Network work.
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IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL)
Update on 14 Mar 2025: The forty-ninth session of the IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL 49) took place between Monday 10 to Friday 14 March 2025. During the meeting, the following key topics were discussed: Consideration and analysis of reports and...
Guidance to Address Maritime Corruption
The IMO’s Facilitation Committee agreed to develop guidance to address maritime corruption. A correspondence group (CG) was established for this purpose during in Oct 2020, with INTERCARGO as one of its members. The guidance, if approved, would be...
Long Time Battle to Fight Corruption in Ports
Make our concerns heard The Corruption issue has been on the agenda of INTERCARGO Committees for years, for instance: At its meeting in Oct 2015, the shout was heard from INTERCARGO: “Blackmail and corruption … is like “an elephant in the...
Port State Control and Transparency
Update on 24 May 2019:- The INTERCARGO Terminal Reporting scheme encourages bulk carrier masters to report all ship-terminal interface issues, such as difficulties related PSC and corruption issues linked to officials of various authorities...
IMO Facilitation Committee
Update on 12 Apr 2019:- Brief report on outcome of IMO FAL 43 The 43rd session of IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL 43) will be held on 8-12 Apr 2019. Combating maritime corruption: FAL 43 agreed a new work program, with a target completion year of...
Port State Control – A Closer Look
Ships visit ports in different regions and may be faced with different PSC practices. To explore new ways to create extra value on PSC guidance, now we try an approach to analyse different PSC MoUs and provide focused update to members. We summarise...
INTERCARGO initiatives on Anti-Corruption – Jan. 2017
INTERCARGO participated at the IHS Maritime & Trade Risk Forum 2017 () in the panel about LOW-LEVEL CORRUPTION: A HEIGHTENED RISK FOR SHIPPING COMPANIES. The main points made by INTERCARGO are outlined in the attached. Also attached (members...
INTERCARGO at IHS Maritime & Trade Risk Forum 2017
INTERCARGO participated at the IHS Maritime & Trade Risk Forum 2017 ()
See details here.
Corruption Briefing
INTERCARGO had led a Round Table letter to all PSC MoUs suggesting the establishment of a fully independent Internal Affairs Review (IAR) panel where owners could be assured that complaints of corruption or negligence would receive a sympathetic and...
Criminalisation – Latest Developments
Round Table international shipping associations including INTERCARGO have a unified position on Fair Treatment of Seafarers.
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MACN Hamburg
INTERCARGO attended an MACN meeting in Hamburg, which discussed rolling back corruption in hot-spot countries and a training tool for Masters to say “no” to Facilitation Payment requests. The meeting provided an update to MACN members on their...
Issues on Criminalisation
Prudent shipowners will naturally wish to have internal measures in place to ensure that their operations are commercially, legally and operationally sound. These measures should take into account sovereignty issues such as the laws, customs and...