Update: 07 Dec 2023 Contents: Outcome of A 33 Status of IMO ship recycling convention 1. Outcome of A 33 The 33rd session of the IMO Assembly (A 33) was held from Monday, 27 November to Wednesday, 6 December 2023, with the following IMO Assembly...
The 9th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 9) was held from Monday, 31 July to Friday, 04 August 2023. The INTERCARGO brief covers the following items of this meeting: Lessons Learned from the Analysis of...
The eighth session of the Sub-Committee on IMO Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 8) was held remotely from 25 to 29 July 2022. The INTERCARGO brief as attached covers the following items of this meeting: You need to login to...
The 8th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 8) will be held remotely from 25 to 29 July 2022. The INTERCARGO pre-brief as attached covers the following items of this meeting: We will attend III 8 and report...
Update on 15 Feb 2022: Since 2017, Equasis (Electronic Quality Shipping Information System) has been receiving complaints in relation to incorrect numbers of ship detentions presented in the database. With an interim measure put in place Equasis has...
Update on 13 Feb 2022: MEPC.321(74) on 2019 Guidelines for port State control under MARPOL Annex VI chapter 3 was revoked by IMO Assembly resolution A. 1155(32) as adopted on 15 Dec 2021. On 28 Jan 2022, IMO published resolution A. 1155(32), as...
Update on 13 Feb 2022: On 28 Jan, IMO published its Assembly resolution A. 1155(32) as adopted on 15 Dec 2021, containing a new version of the IMO Procedures for port State control, 2021, as attached for your reference. Resolution A. 1155(32)...
The 7th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7), originally scheduled to be held from 20 to 24 July 2020, was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and eventually held remotely from 12 to 16 July 2021. Here are...
Seven (7) PSC MoUs agreed to jointly carry out a CIC on Emergency Systems and Procedures from 1 Sept to 30 Nov 2019. The 7 MoUs are Black Sea, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Paris, Tokyo, Riyadh and Viña del Mar. The CIC aims at ensuring compliance...
Update on 24 May 2019:- The INTERCARGO Terminal Reporting scheme encourages bulk carrier masters to report all ship-terminal interface issues, such as difficulties related PSC and corruption issues linked to officials of various authorities...
Ships visit ports in different regions and may be faced with different PSC practices. To explore new ways to create extra value on PSC guidance, now we try an approach to analyse different PSC MoUs and provide focused update to members. We summarise...
The fifth session of IMO’s Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 5) was concluded on 28 Sept 2018. Outcome of III 5 is summarised as follows. Contents: Lessons Learnt from serious marine casualties Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2008...