The Report of the CIC on Crew Familiarisation on Enclosed Space Entry, carried out jointly by Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU members in September to November of 2015 can be downloaded from below. The PSC regimes will continue to pay attention to the...
INTERCARGO had led a Round Table letter to all PSC MoUs suggesting the establishment of a fully independent Internal Affairs Review (IAR) panel where owners could be assured that complaints of corruption or negligence would receive a sympathetic and...
The shipping industry is faced with both tighter regulatory requirements in relation to ship and cargo generated wastes through the IMO and national and regional legislation, e.g. the US and the EU respectively, and at the same time subjected to...
draft v.1.1, Dec 2015 In accordance with MARPOL Annex V, the management of the residues of solid bulk cargoes depends primarily on the classification of a solid bulk cargo as to whether it is harmful to the marine environment (HME) or non-HME. You...
In Sept 2015, there were 2 cases when ecological inspectors made photos of sea surface around the ship, allegedly contaminated by oil. They put the above pictures on local internet page and started to produce a ‘great noise’ about potential...
Western Australia ports requiring bulk carriers to berth with hatches open Intercargo has been receiving some concerning information on what appears to be an increasing practice in some Western Australia ports of requiring bulk carriers to berth...
Difficulties with lack of adequate reception facilities for HME (harmful for marine environment) cargo residues were raised at the TC meeting on 12 Oct in Athens, with actions agreed: • To request IMO to re-validate circular MEPC.1/Circ.810...
Round Table international shipping associations including INTERCARGO have a unified position on Fair Treatment of Seafarers.
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INTERCARGO attended an MACN meeting in Hamburg, which discussed rolling back corruption in hot-spot countries and a training tool for Masters to say “no” to Facilitation Payment requests. The meeting provided an update to MACN members on their...
Prudent shipowners will naturally wish to have internal measures in place to ensure that their operations are commercially, legally and operationally sound. These measures should take into account sovereignty issues such as the laws, customs and...
A short Update has been received from the International Group of P&I Club lead legal initiative on US Responder Immunity.
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