Submissions to Intersessional meeting (Oct. 23-27) of the Working Group on Reduction of GHG emissions submission ISWG-GHG 2-2-1 – Comments on the draft structure and suggested draft text for possible inclusion in the initial strategy...
1. Action requested: Shipowner members are encouraged to forward the encloed Terminal Report (v.5.1) to their bulk carrier fleets and invite their masters to fill and send the completed Report back to INTERCARGO office. The Terminal Report requests...
During the October 2016 Executive Committee meeting it was agreed that the INTERCARGO Secretariat should approach BIMCO with a view to exploring the possibility of the development of a charter party clause to cover costs that may be incurred for the...
The shipping industry is faced with both tighter regulatory requirements in relation to ship and cargo generated wastes through the IMO and national and regional legislation, e.g. the US and the EU respectively, and at the same time subjected to...
draft v.1.1, Dec 2015 In accordance with MARPOL Annex V, the management of the residues of solid bulk cargoes depends primarily on the classification of a solid bulk cargo as to whether it is harmful to the marine environment (HME) or non-HME. You...
Western Australia ports requiring bulk carriers to berth with hatches open Intercargo has been receiving some concerning information on what appears to be an increasing practice in some Western Australia ports of requiring bulk carriers to berth...
Difficulties with lack of adequate reception facilities for HME (harmful for marine environment) cargo residues were raised at the TC meeting on 12 Oct in Athens, with actions agreed: • To request IMO to re-validate circular MEPC.1/Circ.810...