New publication offers updated maritime security guidance for mariners operating off West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea Industry organisations, supported by government and military organisations, have worked together to produce a new publication...
Joint Media Release following the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Round Table of International Shipping Associations in February 2020 in Rome. Gulf of Guinea piracy The Chairpersons of the Round Table of international shipping associations (RT)...
The recent dramatic attacks in Iraq have led to much speculation but both sides are clearly considering their next moves rather than taking immediate further action. Tensions have certainly escalated. There are reports suggesting that both Iran and...
This is a follow-up update on the piracy situation in Douala, Cameroon as raised by some members at the INTERCARGO meeting in Athens on 4 Oct. Those members referred to an arrangement of a “free of charge armed security team onboard ships at Douala...
Concerns on the piracy situation in the subject region were raised during the INTERCARGO meetings in Athens on 4 Oct 2019. Members highlighted that this area seems to often slip from some people’s minds as being a hot spot for piracy attacks. You...
Updated on 20 Sept 2019:- Contents: Piracy threat in Gulf of Guinea Security Issues in regions of Arabian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman Piracy threat in Asia Piracy threat in Gulf of Aden and waters of Somalia You need to login to view the...
The attacks on two vessels at anchor off Fujairah, UAE on 12 May 2019 and on two vessels in the Gulf of Oman (GOO), in international waters, south of Jask on 13 Jun 19 have caused great concern for transiting through the Strait of Hormuz (SOH) and...
The 101st session of the MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE (MSC 101) will meet between Wednesday 5th and Friday 14th June 2019. Below you can find the INTERCARGO Pre-Brief, and accompanying attachments/papers, for this important meeting. The Pre-Brief...
The 100th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 100) took place between the 3rd and 7th December 2018. Please find attached to this email the INTERCARGO brief on the outcome of this important meeting. The brief contains...
The 100th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 100) will take place in London on Monday 03 to Friday 07 December 2018. The pre-brief for this important meeting can be downloaded below and covers the following key topics: Sulphur Cap...
Submissions to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 99), 16-25 May 2018 MSC 99/20/7 – Proposal for a new agenda item to amend the definition of ‘Group A’ in the IMSBC Code (see attached) MSC 99/20/8 – Proposal for a new output...
Here is to report a few issues that may affect the operations of your fleet in 2018: Environment protection ECAs in China The 3 ECAs (sulphur Emission Control Areas) in China have taken effective from 1 Jan 2018, which require ships to use fuel with...