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Ports and Terminals Briefing

Difficulties with lack of adequate reception facilities for HME (harmful for marine environment) cargo residues were raised at the TC meeting on 12 Oct in Athens, with actions agreed: • To request IMO to re-validate circular MEPC.1/Circ.810...

MACN Hamburg

INTERCARGO attended an MACN meeting in Hamburg, which discussed rolling back corruption in hot-spot countries and a training tool for Masters to say “no” to Facilitation Payment requests. The meeting provided an update to MACN members on their...

Issues on Criminalisation

Prudent shipowners will naturally wish to have internal measures in place to ensure that their operations are commercially, legally and operationally sound.  These measures should take into account sovereignty issues such as the laws, customs and...

US responder Immunity

A short Update has been received from the International Group of P&I Club lead legal initiative on US Responder Immunity.
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Press cuttings

Chinese companies allege bribery in arbitration; Korean ferry disaster and Maritime Anti Corruption Network work.
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IMSBC Code Pocket Guide

Intercargo has worked with Lloyd’s Register and the UK P&I Club to produce a pocket guide on the IMSBC Code. The pocket guide aims to help all those responsible to manage the risks of carrying solid bulk cargoes and achieve compliance with SOLAS...

Forthcoming Regulations

Introduction Following a request from members to receive an impact-assessment timetable of regulatory issues likely to have an impact on Bulk Carriers, the Secretariat has drawn up the following table to give members advance notification of known...

Analysis of Emergency Evacuation from Bulk Carriers

INTERCARGO submitted the “Analysis of Emergency Evacuations from Bulk Carriers”, completed last October – see below, to the IMO Design and Equipment (DE) Sub-committee held 13-17 February 2012. Our submission summarised the outcome of the...