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IMO Circular on Carriage of Bauxite

All will remember the tragic circumstances of the ‘Bulk Jupiter’ lost with 18 crew whilst carrying a cargo of Bauxite in the opening days of this year.  From the Bahamas investigation report that determined cargo liquefaction as the most probable...

Review of IIMA Proposal for a DRI ‘D’ Schedule

Members will recall that the International Iron Metallics Association (IIMA) has been contracted by Venezuelan interests  to present a case for r the carriage of DRI Fines under ventilation, rather than under an inert atmosphere as currently...

Lifting appliance and cargo gear

INTERCARGO Technical Committee’s view
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Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2015

The INTERCARGO Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2015 provides a list of reported losses of bulk carriers with dwt over 10,000 for previous ten years (2005 -2015), analysis of causes and the trends. The need for continued vigilance and awareness of the...

Piracy – Latest Developments

21 Nov 2016:-
1. Further clarification regarding transiting the Bab el Mandeb (BeM) straits
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