London P&IDeck cranes are an important item of ship’s equipment, and when they break down this can result in loss of hire claims. Furthermore, failure of a deck crane can result in serious injury or death. You need to login to view the rest of...
Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which a soil-like material is abruptly transformed from a solid dry state to an almost fluid state. Many common bulk cargoes, such as iron ore fines, nickel ore and various mineral concentrates, are examples of...
The NK’s Liquefaction project aims to provide a better understanding of cargo liquefaction, and develop recommendations for ship operations and design that avert or mitigate future casualties. The project looks at the liquefaction problem in a...
Moisture damage is the source of a significant number of cargo claims.
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A government obligation to provide places of refuge (PoR) for ships in distress has been a recent topic generally discussed in the media.
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(25 Jan 2016)
Outcome of 3rd session of IMO Sub-committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 3)
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Progress report on Coating and action planThe enclosed Progress report on coating issues and action plan covers:
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IMO made a report with reference of “HTW 3/4” on 30 November 2015, providing a summary of reports on fraudulent certificates received from Belize, Honduras, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for the...
With reference to the Report III 2/16 of the 2nd session of IMO’s Sub-committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III), enclosed is “Lessons learned from marine casualties”, following the review carried out by the IMO Secretariat in cooperation...
Ref: IC1553, 16 Dec 2015
To: All INTERCARGO Members
Dear Members,
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At the last IACS Council meeting on 10 Dec 2015, INTERCARGO introduced a critique on how the IACS’ Harmonised Common Structure Rules (CSR-H) is being applied to bulk carriers through the IACS Knowledge Centre (KC) output; the enclosed “Appraisal of...
The U.S. Coast Guard has denied appeals from four ballast water treatment system manufacturers to allow the most probable number (MPN) method for determining the efficacy of systems. You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login...