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INTERCARGO’s Briefs for MEPC 77

The seventy-seventh session of the IMO MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE (MEPC 77) took place between Monday 22 and  Friday 26 November 2021. Topics that were discussed at this meeting included: GHG Reduction/Air Emissions Ballast Water...

Statement on IMO’s MEPC 77 meeting

On the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting this week (IMO’s MEPC 77, 22-26 Nov. 2021), INTERCARGO said: “Given the harsh realities and the tremendous challenges of decarbonisation and of the...

2020 Sulphur limit, SOx emissions – an account

In 2021 a new Joint Industry Survey is underway following the below one (see here) INTERCARGO participated in a 2020 Joint Industry Survey to gain a greater understanding of the quality of the new fuel oils and possible safety implications of the...

INTERCARGO Briefs on IMO’s CCC 7 and E&T 35

The seventh session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) took place between the 6th and 10th September and was  followed by the 35th meeting of the  IMO’s Editorial and Technical Group (E&T 35) that took place...