EU ETS: Publication of the delegated act on rules on the verification activities, and approval of monitoring plans ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS ALL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dear Members, Delegate act publication The delegated act...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS ALL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dear Members, The revised EU ETS and EU MRV legislation will apply from 1st January 2024. Updated summary on the delegated and implementing acts Please see below updated summary on the delegated...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS ALL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dear Members, Further to the ETS Workshop with EC DG CLIMA on 12 December 2023 for which registrations are closed, a third webinar on the extension of the EU ETS to the...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS ALL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dear Members, You may note below updates with regards to the implementing and delegate acts of the EU ETS Implementing Acts published in the Official Journal The following...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS ALL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dear Members, We are delighted to invite you to the webinar on 12 December from 14:00 to 16:00 CET, organised by our Associate member, the European Community Shipowners’...
ATTN: ALL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ALL FULL MEMBERS Dear Members, The European Commission’s Directorate General for Climate Action (CLIMA) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) are organising a webinar on the extension of the EU...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS Dear Members, the Commission adopted the delegated act on the functioning of the Union Registry on 25 October containing information for Opening maritime operator holding accounts in the Union Registry The...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS Dear Members, Reference to the EU Commission consultation on the implementing acts of the EU ETS and thanks to additional feedback received by one member with regards to the administering authority it has been highlighted...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS Dear Members, Reference to the EU Commission consultation, regarding the rules for the entity responsible to surrender the EU ETS allowances and following our circular [ref. 0908-F> EU ETS delegated acts:...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS Dear Members, the Commission has opened the last consultation, which concerns the rules for the administration of shipping companies by administering authorities under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) The...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS Dear Members, The EU Commission has opened a series of consultations on the EU ETS delegated regulations as follows: On the templates for monitoring plans, reports & other documents for shipping emissions...
ATTN: ALL FULL MEMBERS ALL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dear Members, The final legislative texts for MRV Regulation and EU ETS Directive are available here: Amendments to the MRV Regulation Amendments to the ETS Directive The EU...