
GHG emissions

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Meetings in January 2017

The INTERCARGO Secretary General participated on behalf of our Association to the following industry meetings in the month of January 2017: –          EMISSIONS: Working Group meeting and Round Table meeting with industry partners on Green...

MEPC 70 outcome on GHG emissions

Dear Members of INTERCARGO, Following our last week’s general brief of IMO MEPC 70 outcome (24-28 Oct. 2016 meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee), You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a Member? Join...

Round Table Discussion Paper Issue: GHG Emissions

UNFCCC has the objective of drafting text for a replacement to the Kyoto Protocol. GHG emissions from International shipping have so far been explicitly excluded from the scope of international regulation of GHG under UNFCCC (under the Kyoto...