The first 2017 session of lNTERCARGO lunchtime presentations successfully took place at our London office on 17 Feb. Many thanks to our Associate Member DNV GL for delivering two presentations, one of which on the topic of: • “Closing the gap...
The INTERCARGO Secretary General participated on behalf of our Association to the following industry meetings in the month of January 2017: – EMISSIONS: Working Group meeting and Round Table meeting with industry partners on Green...
INTERCARGO Media Release – 12 January 2017 “IΜΟ has our full support in the mitigation of global GHG emissions from ships” INTERCARGO expresses its full support and total alignment with IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim’s concerns that including...
Capital Link’s latest CSR forum ‘Operating Excellence in Shipping’ offered INTERCARGO a floor to share latest views on Ballast Water Management, Sulphur Cap-2020, GHG emissions, and EEDI questions. Watch the ‘Regulatory &...
Dear Members of INTERCARGO, Following our last week’s general brief of IMO MEPC 70 outcome (24-28 Oct. 2016 meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee), You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a Member? Join...
In advance of next week’s critical meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London, the global shipping industry has called on IMO Member States to give serious...
UNFCCC has the objective of drafting text for a replacement to the Kyoto Protocol. GHG emissions from International shipping have so far been explicitly excluded from the scope of international regulation of GHG under UNFCCC (under the Kyoto...
1. Energy efficiency – IMO MRV IMO’s ECA requirements entered into force, requesting ships to use on board fuel oil with a sulphur content of no more than 0.10% from 1 January 2015, against the limit of 1.00% in effect up until 31 December 2014. You...
22 Dec 2015:- IMO website posted an update on 21 Dec 2015 at . Two paragraphs of the IMO message are quoted below: “The compiled 2015 assessment tonnages, released to IMO’s Member States on 16 December 2015, contained some unverified data, but also...