The twelfth session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 12) met between Monday 27 and Friday 31 January 2025. Topics During this session of PPR-12 the following topics that may be interest to members were ...
The eighth session of the IMO’s SUB-COMMITTEE ON SHIP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (SDC 8) took place between Monday 17 and Friday 21 January 2022. Below you will find the INTERCARGO Briefs for this meeting and topics covered include: You need to login...
The 7th session of the IMO’s sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction SDC 7 met this week between 03 and 07 February. Below you can find the INTERCARGO Brief for this meeting, which covers the following topics You need to login to view the...
The the seventh session of the IMO SUB-COMMITTEE ON SHIP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (SDC 7) will meet between Monday 03 and Friday 07 February 2020.
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During INTERCARGO’s 40th Technical Committee meeting, 4th March Hong Kong meetings, the following presentations were delivered: BWTS Retro-fit by Captain Firoze Mirza of Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (HK) Ltd Scrubbers – choosing...
“The characteristics of cargo hold coatings for reducing vessel operational costs” presented by Hassan Mozafarlou, HEMPEL LTD. during the afternoon presentations session on 10 October 2017 (Day 2 of INTERCARGO’s semi-annual meetings – see here). The...
(25 Jan 2016)
Outcome of 3rd session of IMO Sub-committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 3)
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Progress report on Coating and action planThe enclosed Progress report on coating issues and action plan covers:
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