INTERCARGO has submitted 2 papers to the 71st session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 71) under agenda item 4 Harmful Aquatic Organisms In Ballast Water. You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a...
The INTERCARGO Secretariat is developing a database that will contain information on Ballast Water Treatment Systems that have been fitted on Members’s vessels, this information will then be shared with Full Members. The database will be...
The INTERCARGO Secretariat is pleased to communicate the attached open article on Ballast Water Management, providing our insights on the current relevant developments that are of major concern to the shipping community and especially to INTERCARGO...
The Secretariat has been contacting Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) manufacturers to collect information that may be of interest to members. The information includes; Manufacturers’ experience of fitting BWTS onto new build vessels and...
INTERCARGO Secretary General Dr Kostas G. Gkonis commented on Ballast Water Management implementation in Naftika Chronika magazine (March 2017 issue).
The issue can be accessed here.
Following our Association’s Executive Committee & Technical Committee meetings in Hong Kong on March 6-7 (see link), the Secretariat has been working on the promotion of INTERCARGO’s positions: You need to login to view the rest of the...
During the Association’s Technical Committee meeting in Hong Kong on the 6th March 2017, two presentations related to BWM were delivered, please click here. (member login required)