MEDIA RELEASE – 6 April 2017 INTERCARGO is deeply concerned at the tragic loss of the VLOC vessel STELLAR DAISY reported on 31 March 2017; our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the seafarers. As long as there is still hope, our wishes...
Chinese Maritime Transportation Navitas Compania Naviera SA Nereus Shipping SA Optimum Marine Management SA Vergos Marine Management SA KPI BRIDGE OIL (Associate member) IMPALA Terminals (Associate member)...
On the 29th March 2017, DNV GL arranged a Bulk Carrier related seminar in London during which, the following presentations were delivered: Update and Outlook of the Bulk Carrier market – Morten Lovstad, DNV GL Chinese Newbuildings – Wei...
INTERCARGO Secretary General Dr Kostas G. Gkonis commented on Ballast Water Management implementation in Naftika Chronika magazine (March 2017 issue).
The issue can be accessed here.
INTERCARGO was at CMA Shipping 2017 Conference (March 20-22, USA). Secretary General Dr Kostas Gkonis was a panellist during a first-day keynote session and informed the audience on dry bulkers’ challenges in relation to BWM regulations...
INTERCARGO members and guests had the opportunity to attend a very interesting presentation by S&P GLOBAL PLATTS delivered by Peter Norfolk, Editorial Director, Global Shipping & Freight, and Pradeep Rajan, Senior Managing Editor. The...
INTERCARGO members and guests had the opportunity to attend a very interesting presentation on the Rightship Qi Predictive Model delivered by Warwick Norman, CEO of RightShip. The presentation provided much attended and very useful clarifications...
Reported on Lloyd’s List 09.03.2017 (referring to INTERCARGO’s Hong Kong presentations session).
Read article on Lloyd’s List here.
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