At IMO this past week (23-27 October) took place the 2nd “INTERSESSIONAL MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP ON REDUCTION OF GHG (GreenHouse Gas) EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS”. A 1st meeting took place on 26-30 June 2017 (just before the last MEPC 71 – Marine...
Secretary General Kostas Gkonis participated at “Fleet Transformation: the event 2017” on October 25th as speaker in the industry panel “Regulation and shipping. A new relationship”: Regulations are the backbone of shipping...
Media Release – 24 October 2017 “On the tragic loss of EMERALD STAR” INTERCARGO is deeply concerned with the tragic loss of the 57k dwt Bulk Carrier EMERALD STAR in the morning of the 13th October with 26 seafarers on board. To date, 16 crew members...
Full Members may find attached the interesting communication (2-page letter + 8-page response) received from Righthship, in response to the questions and requests for clarifications channelled via our Secretariat. Some points cited in the attached...
INTERCARGO’s Full Member C TRANSPORT MARITIME S.A.M. (CTM) has been elected by the Lloyds International awards as the “Dry Bulk Operator of the year”!
Congratulations for the constant efforts and commitment to the industry!
The Golbal Bauxite Working Group in its research of the behaviour of Bauxite during shipping identified a cargo failure mechanism “Dynamic Separation” where a liquid slurry forms above the cargo which could potentially have a significant...
Summary Coast of Somalia: No incidents were reported off the coast of Somalia in the 3rd quarter 2017, though the successful attacks from earlier 2017 suggest that pirates retain the capacity to target merchant shipping at distances from the...
It was reported on the morning of the 13th October that the 57,000 dwt Bulk Carrier EMERALD STAR laden with Indonesian Nickel Ore sank in the Philippines Sea. The cause of the casualty is presently unknown however the INTERCARGO Secretariat has...
INTERCARGO’s 37th Technical Committee meeting was held on Monday 9th October 2017 at the Eugenides Foundation in Athens, Greece. The following related documents are availble for members: You need to login to view the rest of the content...