INTERCARGO’s Executive Committee members with the Management Committee in front row (from left to right: Mr Jay K Pillai Vice-Chairman, Mr John Platsidakis Chairman, Mr Dimitris Fafalios Technical Committee Chairman, Dr Kostas G. Gkonis...
INTERCARGO held its 39th Technical Committee meeting on the 1st October 2018 at Trinity House, London. During the morning of the meeting, the committee members were joined by Mr Timothy Wilson of Lloyd’s Register who delivered a presentation...
“All Eyes on 2020 and Beyond” presented by Peter Fitzpatrick, Vice President – Global Business Development American Bureau of Shipping You may find the presentation attached. “Loss Prevention challenges – focus on soya bean...
Media Release – 3 October 2018 INTERCARGO held its semi-annual meetings in London “The dry bulk sector and the critical challenges that lie ahead” INTERCARGO held its Annual General Meeting, Executive and Technical Committees’ meetings in London on...
INTERCARGO’s latest semi-annual meetings took place in London on 1-2 October 2018. You may view photos taken during the events here. VENUE: Trinity House, Tower Hill, EC3N 4DH LIST OF EVENTS: You need to login to view the rest of the content...
The fifth session of IMO’s Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 5) was concluded on 28 Sept 2018. Outcome of III 5 is summarised as follows. Contents: Lessons Learnt from serious marine casualties Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2008...
The fifth session of the IMO Sub-Committee On Carriage Of Cargoes And Containers (CCC 5) met between 10 and 14 September and was followed by the 30th meeting of the IMO Editorial & Technical Group (E&T 30) which met from 17 to 21 September...
The INTERCARGO Secretariat has secured 20% discount to its Members for the above mentioned event.
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Contents: The Concerns The current “Search and Rescue, and lifesaving” systems 2.1 Lifesaving appliances – SOLAS and LSA Code 2.2 Search and Rescue (SAR) Convention 2.3 Global SAR Plan 2.4 GMDSS Master Plan 2.5 IAMSAR Manual Action requested...