The sixth session of the IMO sub-committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 6) will take place between Monday 18 and Friday 22 February 2019. Please find below; the brief and supporting documents for the meeting. Topics covered in the...
INTERCARGO has recently appeared in a number of Media. You may refer to the following articles: ShipInsight: “INTERCARGO welcomes IMO moves on casualty investigations” For the article please click here Hellenic Shipping News:...
Industry associations including INTERCARGO proposed and supported to issue MSC.1/Circ.1578 in Jun 2017 which addresses the risks associated with conducting drills on free-fall lifeboats through the “Guidelines for simulated launching of free-fall...
The sixth session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 6) took place between 04 and 08 February at the IMO Headquarters in London. Please find below the INTERCARGO brief on the outcome of SDC 6. You need to login to view the...
You may refer to the following articles: Shipping Watch: click here The Maritime Executive: click here Marine Link: click here Lloyd’s List: click here Naftika Chronika: click here For older “INTERCARGO in the news” articles please...
Event under the auspices of INTERCARGO: The event in London will take place on Thursday, February 21, 2019 with title “Why Go Maritime in an era of changes?” The event aims to inform the younger generation about the...
The sixth session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 6) will meet between the 04 and 08 February at the IMO Headquarters in London.
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Media Release – 31 January 2019 Cargo liquefaction continues to be a major risk for dry bulk shipping INTERCARGO urges all stakeholders to remain vigilant as cargo liquefaction continues to pose a major threat to the life of seafarers. ...
Dear Intercargo Members, A warm welcome to 2019 a year which will be full of challenges for our industry. Our Intercargo secretariat has prepared for many meetings this year where the views and voice of our members will be expressed...
Tradewinds: “Intercargo boss makes stark warning on scrapping capacity” (click here) You may also refer to the citations made here (Tradewinds: “Politics, lobbying and location should not sideline Indian...
-December 2018- Dear Members of INTERCARGO, Please accept our warmest wishes for 2019 on behalf of our Secretariat! A brief review follows of what happened in December and of what is upcoming in January: Membership; Meetings/events;...