Joint Media Release following the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Round Table of International Shipping Associations in February 2020 in Rome. Sulphur 2020 The Chairpersons of the Round Table of international shipping associations (RT) met in...
Joint Media Release following the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Round Table of International Shipping Associations in February 2020 in Rome. Round Table looks at Industry Challenges The Chairpersons of the Round Table of international shipping...
Joint Media Release following the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Round Table of International Shipping Associations in February 2020 in Rome. Gulf of Guinea piracy The Chairpersons of the Round Table of international shipping associations (RT)...
The seventh session of the IMO SUB-COMMITTEE ON SHIP SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT (SSE 7) will meet between Monday 02 and Friday 06 March 2020. Please find below the pre-brief (and other relevant documents) for this meeting, which covers the...
A New Decade, New Perspectives? INTERCARGO supports the event that will take place on Wednesday 26 February 2020, from 17:30 to 19:30, at the Hellenic Centre, London. Registrations & Information about the event are available here...
-first published 6 Feb. 2020- INTERCARGO is a Supporting Organisation of Green Ship Technology Conference and has secured 20% Discount for all Members. Green Ship Technology is the only conference to address all of the environmental challenges which...
The 7th session of the IMO’s sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction SDC 7 met this week between 03 and 07 February. Below you can find the INTERCARGO Brief for this meeting, which covers the following topics You need to login to view the...
Dear Members, Please note that our Association’s “spring” semi-annual meetings have been cancelled (initially planned to take place in Singapore on 9-10 March), because of the coronavirus outbreak. Kindly accept our apologies for any...
Media Release – 31 January 2020 “INTERCARGO applauds the IMO’s intention to improve casualty investigation reporting” Exactly one year ago, in our opening media release for 2019, INTERCARGO reminded that cargo liquefaction continued to be a major...
Released: 3 October 2019
Dear visitor,
you are welcome to view INTERCARGO’s Annual Review for 2018/2019 at this link
or you may download the attached .pdf file.
Kind regards
The Secretariat
The the seventh session of the IMO SUB-COMMITTEE ON SHIP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (SDC 7) will meet between Monday 03 and Friday 07 February 2020.
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