Dear Members of INTERCARGO, You will soon be receiving by post our latest publications in a special package, that our Secretariat has been pleased to prepare (addressed to your registered office), containing copies of : – ...
Joint Media Release – 26 November 2020 “Shipping bodies call on Jeff Bezos to take a stand for stranded seafarers at industry Round Table” The Round Table of international shipping associations pen open letter to Amazon boss Jeff...
Joint Media Release – 25 November 2020 INTERCARGO, DNV GL, and the Standard Club launch new bulk carrier ventilation guide London November 2020: Proper ventilation is essential to preventing damage to the cargo and to ensure the safety of the...
Dear Full members of INTERCARGO, As the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75, 16-20 Nov. 2020) meeting has just concluded, we are glad to share with you the attached Brief on its Outcome (and the attached documents cited...
Joint Media Release – 20 November 2020 “Shipping industry welcomes IMO decision to give further consideration to USD 5 billion fund to accelerate decarbonisation” Copenhagen, Brussels, London and Washington; November 20, 2020 – The...
Dear Members of INTERCARGO, BWMTech Global Conference will go live on 7-9 December 2020. INTERCARGO supports the event and all Intercargo members are eligible for a 15% discount on all conference passes. Key topic areas include: USCG BWMS Type...
Joint Media Release – 13 November 2020 “Shipping industry urges Governments to take forward USD 5 billion proposal to accelerate the decarbonisation of maritime transport” London/Washington, November 13, 2020 – As governments come together at...
Media Release – 12 November 2020 “INTERCARGO supports IMO in approving GHG measures next week” Ahead of the important International Maritime Organization (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting (MEPC 75), which will take place on...
This session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) was originally scheduled to take place between the 30th March and the 3rd April 2020 however due the Coronavirus Pandemic the meeting will now take place between the 16th and...
The 102nd session of the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) originally scheduled to take place between the 13th and 22nd May 2020 (postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic) took place between the 4th and 11th November 2020. The meeting was...
Friday 9 October 2020 11:00 – 13:00 – Executive Committee meeting (Virtual – for rest of events please refer here) For Executive Committee members (other Full member representatives may attend as observers) who have registered timely in...
The IBIA Annual Convention 2020 will take place on 10 – 13 November 2020 virtually. INTERCARGO Technical Committee Chairman Mr Tom Keenan is participating in the panel discussions on Day 3 (12 Nov. 2020). For the agenda please click here:...