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Mare Forum “Designing the Ship of the Future”

Dear Members, Please note that INTERCARGO Vice-Chairman Spyridon Tarasis participated in the fifth online round table of the series “Designing zero-carbon ships of the future and what to do until they are ready” hosted by Mare Forum and...

Asian Gypsy Moth

From January 2021, the list of countries that regulate and inspect arriving vessels for Asian gypsy moth (AGM) has a new addition: Argentina, in addition to the usually known ones including the United States (US), Canada, Chile, Australia and New...

ExCom – March 2021

– first posted 19 Feb 2021- Friday 12 March 2021: 10:30 – 13:30 London time – Executive Committee meeting (Virtual) For Executive Committee members (other Full member representatives may attend as observers) who have registered timely in...

Selected News Headlines 2021/Q1

HEADLINES SELECTED BY INTERCARGO (22/03/2021 – 28/03/2021) Successful Refloating of EVER GIVEN Admiral Osama Rabie, Chairman and Managing Director of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), has announced today, Monday 29th March, 2021, that the...

Shipping Finance 2021 conference

The Slide2Open Shipping Finance 2021 conference took place virtually with the participation of a wide panel. INTERCARGO Chairmen were among the speakers. You can watch the video replay of INTERCARGO Chairman Mr Dimitrios Fafalios’ panel at:...

The 4th Annual Maritime e-Conference

Dear Members, Please note the 4th Annual Maritime e-Conference took place on Thursday, March 18, 2021, at 16:00 – 18:00 UK time, with the support of INTERCARGO. The agenda of the event is available here. The video of the event is...

INTERCARGO’s pre-brief on PPR 8

 -INTERCARGO’s brief following the meeting is posted here– The eighth session of the IMO’s sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 8) will take place, virtually,  between the 22nd and 26th March with the participation of...