The fifth session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 5) will meet at the IMO headquarters between the 22nd and 26th January 2018, and will be attended by the INTERCARGO Secretariat. Among the agenda items, the following...
Regarding casualties of bulk carriers of dwt 10k and over, and loss of seafarer lives as consequence of those casualties in 2017, it is sad to advise members of the following: You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a...
Here is to report a few issues that may affect the operations of your fleet in 2018: Environment protection ECAs in China The 3 ECAs (sulphur Emission Control Areas) in China have taken effective from 1 Jan 2018, which require ships to use fuel with...
Coming into effect on May 25th 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), a new directive, will provide a singular data protection law for the European Union – creating a reference and basis upon which security platforms can be...
On 27 Nov 2017, Equasis published the “Equasis Statistics – The world fleet 2016” on its webpage . Here are a few points inviting your attention:
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The December 2017 Ballast Water update includes the following information: Data on the number of BWTS currently fitted on vessels A summary of INTERCARGO BWTS Survey at present USCG Regulatory update Other – BWTS Manufacturer reply to member...
Members may have good reasons to assign different scores to each of the 10 dominating PSC regimes, based on the experiences of their fleet and their teams of superintendents in office. Here are some points to assist members in fine tuning those...
The military bi-annual report of “Threat Assessment” is released today, for reference of ships transiting through the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden (GoA), Gulf of Oman (GoO) and the Western Indian Ocean. The report takes into account information, knowledge...
INTERCARGO welcomes the Consultation on the revision of the policy on monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport undertaken for the purpose to align the EU MRV with the global IMO Data Collection System (IMO DCS)...
Members may have read the press release of Panama Canal summarising its performance of the Fiscal Year 2017 (FY2017) (). It led us to do a general research with following findings to share with members. Historical performance In terms of transit of...
It is the time of year for companies to assess their performance in terms ship operations costs in 2017 and prepare their budget for 2018. To certain point it is useful to compare our own figures against those of industry average. Here is to share...
At IMO this past week (23-27 October) took place the 2nd “INTERSESSIONAL MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP ON REDUCTION OF GHG (GreenHouse Gas) EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS”. A 1st meeting took place on 26-30 June 2017 (just before the last MEPC 71 – Marine...