One bulk carrier was expected to carry a cargo of “COPPER CONCENTRATE, GROUP A, UN 3077”. The cargo is: Cargo Group: Group A – para 7.2.1 of IMSBC Code indicates that “Group A cargoes contain a certain proportion of small particles and a...
Update: Mar 2019 A meeting of the Industry Lifeboat Group (ILG) is scheduled on 2 Apr 2019. The ILG meeting can be seen as a follow up to the IMO SSE 6 in Mar and the preparation for the coming MSC 101 in Jun 2019. Issues on lifeboat at SSE 6 SSE 6...
A very successful event took place today Wednesday 20 March 2019 in a full room at our London office with a presentation delivered by our Associate Member ClassNK in association with its affiliate NAPA, on the Topic : “Tools for improving...
During INTERCARGO’s 40th Technical Committee meeting, 4th March Hong Kong meetings, the following presentations were delivered: BWTS Retro-fit by Captain Firoze Mirza of Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (HK) Ltd Scrubbers – choosing...
Please find below the INTERCARGO Brief on the IMO SUB-COMMITTEE ON POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE (PPR 6) that took place on Monday 18 to Friday 22 February 2019. You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a Member? Join...
The sixth session of the IMO sub-committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 6) will take place between Monday 18 and Friday 22 February 2019. Please find below; the brief and supporting documents for the meeting. Topics covered in the...
Industry associations including INTERCARGO proposed and supported to issue MSC.1/Circ.1578 in Jun 2017 which addresses the risks associated with conducting drills on free-fall lifeboats through the “Guidelines for simulated launching of free-fall...
The sixth session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 6) took place between 04 and 08 February at the IMO Headquarters in London. Please find below the INTERCARGO brief on the outcome of SDC 6. You need to login to view the...
The sixth session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 6) will meet between the 04 and 08 February at the IMO Headquarters in London.
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Update on 20 Dec 2018:- During 1Jan – 20Dec2018, there were 311 bulk carrier incidents (dwt >10k) reported: Casualties in 2018: None reported. No report suggested any bulk carrier (dwt >10k) casualty in 2018. You need to login to view the rest...