MEDIA RELEASE – 23rd June 2023 2023 Day of the Seafarer focuses on environment commitment As the drive to protect our oceans gains momentum, INTERCARGO celebrates Day of the Seafarer 2023 which, this year, focuses on seafarers’ contributions...
Despite a steady increase in port state control detention rates following the pandemic in all regions, INTERCARGO-entered vessels consistently outdid industry performance indicators in both deficiencies and detentions, as shown by the latest edition...
Shipping is so global, that only a truly global regulator such as the International Maritime Organization can provide the level playing field needed for this diverse industry and all the nations it serves, says INTERCARGO. Yet even the IMO, a United...
The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO) has reached a historic membership milestone. The Association now represents 32% of the global dry bulk fleet (total) DWT. INTERCARGO, which meets in Dubai this week for its Semi...
The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners, (INTERCARGO) urges members of the Joint Coordination Centre for the Black Sea Grain Initiative to further extend this important humanitarian initiative when the current extension expires on...
Joint Media Release – 22 February 2023 “Round Table prioritises Seafarers at first in-person meeting since COVID” The Chairs of the Round Table of International Shipping Associations met in Athens last week to renew their...
“Shipping industry call for help to evacuate the 300+ seafarers still trapped in Ukraine ports” INTERCARGO has co-signed a letter sent to His Excellency António Guterres, United Nations Secretary General, to highlight the issue of 331...
Dear INTERCARGO Members, The INTERCARGO management team joins me in wishing you, your families, your seafarers and office staff health, joy, good fortune and above all, peace for 2023. Just as we believed that 2022 would be a...
MEDIA RELEASE – 07 December 2022 INTERCARGO Statement on IMO Decarbonisation Ambitions, Medium-Term Measures and Carbon Intensity Indicators INTERCARGO continues to fully support the ambition to achieve net zero emission shipping by 2050. It is...
MEDIA RELEASE – 29 November 2022 Singapore Welcomes INTERCARGO Members from Around the World INTERCARGO’s semi-annual and Annual General meetings took place in Singapore last week for the first time since 2018. Members joined together both virtually...
Released: 20 October 2022
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Kind regards
The Secretariat