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INTERCARGO submissions to IMO MEPC 71

INTERCARGO has submitted 2 papers to the 71st session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 71) under agenda item 4 Harmful Aquatic Organisms In Ballast Water. You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a...

Outcome of the IMO NCSR 4

The 4th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR 4) is held on 6-10 Mar 2017. The following items and the progress made at NCSR 4 would be useful for your team covering onboard navigation and...

PPR 4 Outcome

The 4th session of the IMO sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response met at the IMO headquarters in London between 16 and 20 January 2017. The key topics for members during PPR 4 were: Fuel Oil Availability (Sulphur Cap) Ballast Water...

MSC 97 outcome

Dear Members of INTERCARGO, Upon conclusion of the IMO MSC 97 (Maritime Safety Committee, 21 – 25 November 2016), the INTERCARGO Secretariat is sending you attached for your immediate information: a brief on the meeting’s outcome paper MSC 97...